The company “A to Z Aesthetics” with the distinctive name "Anastasios Tsekouras” (henceforth the “Company”) that created the website (henceforth the “website”), offers its services under the following terms of use. The visitor/user of the websites is called to read the following terms carefully and to visit/use the pages/services of the websites only if he/she fully accepts these terms. Existing services on the website, and new services that are added to the website are subject to these terms of use, unless stated otherwise.
1.1. The Company makes every effort to ensure that the information and data on its website is accurate and complete. However, information and advice on health, prevention, beauty and aesthetics is provided solely for information purposes, and cannot be used to substitute a doctor’s advice or treatment, nor can it be perceived as incitement to any act or omission without prior medical consultation and advice. Given the nature and volume of the Internet, under any circumstances, including negligence, the Company is not responsible for any form of damage to the visitor/user of the website, services, choices and content of the website as it is the visitor’s/user’s own choice to visit the website.
The existing website and the services offered through it are addressed exclusively to adults. Minors have access to the site only with the consent of their parent(s)/guardian(s).
1.2. The Company disclaims any liability related to the limited duration, deletion, poor performance or failure to store any electronic user data and/or any content from personal websites/services.
1.3. The Company makes every effort to ensure the website is safe for users, but does not guarantee that any programme or information on the site is free from harmful viruses or other disruptive features to the visitor’s/user’s computer. It is the sole responsibility of each visitor/user to implement anti-virus software and to safeguard their information and system.
1.4. The Company is not responsible for the content on third party websites that are connected to the website as links on a web page.
1.5. The visitor/user of the website must comply to the regulations of Greek and International Law and abstain from any illegal, immoral activity that goes against the present terms of use.
2.1. The management and protection of personal data of the visitor/user of the website is governed by these terms of use and relevant provisions of the Greek Law (N. 2472/1997 as it is today, Π.δ. 207/1998, Π.δ. 79/2000 and number 8 Ν. 2819/2000) as well as European Law (95/46/ΕΚ, 97/66/ΕΚ and 2016/679 GDPR).
2.2. The website may use cookies to identify the visitor/user of certain services and pages of the site. Cookies are small text files that are saved on the hard drive of each visitor’s device and do not receive any information from any document on his/her device.
They are used for statistical purposes to determine the areas of the site that are useful and popular.
2.3. In the cases of links to other (third party) websites, the website is not responsible for the terms of use and protection of personal data that these other websites use.
It is hereby expressly agreed that in the event of any action, claim, administrative or judicial action arising out of any form of violation of the website by a visitor/user that is brought against the Company, the visitor/user who committed the infringement is responsible for, firstly undertaking the relevant corrective procedure, and secondly paying compensation or other expenses to the Company.
7.1. This agreement is governed by the provisions of Greek law, the directives and regulations of European law and the relevant international provisions, and is interpreted in accordance with the rules of good faith, commercial morals and the economic and social purpose of rights.
7.2. If a provision is found to be unlawful and therefore void, it shall automatically cease to be valid, without in any way prejudicing the validity of the other terms.
7.3. No changes to the terms of this agreement will be taken into account and will not become part of it unless these changes have been drafted in writing and have been incorporated into it.
7.4. The suitable Court for any disputes arising out of this contract are the Athens Courts.